Talent Recruitment

No company begins a hiring initiative thinking that poaching talent is a best practice. The challenges of the marketplace lead many companies to simply raise wages and outbid their competition for the skilled workforce they need. Bidding wars lead to wage inflation and undermine company loyalty, leading to increased turnover. Workforce shortages amplify these ramifications.

Our talent recruitment services offer a sustainable solution to workforce challenges. The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) at Columbus State has a proven program, providing manufacturers emerging talent coming out of Modern Manufacturing Work-Study and similar programs at our partner institutions.

Let us help you devise a talent acquisition strategy that attracts the workforce you need without the destructive poaching strategy so many companies adopt out of frustration.

Optimize Your Hiring Processes

The best talent strategies begin with building and maintaining a healthy organizational work culture. Though vital, recruitment represents only one piece of a successful talent strategy, and the results ultimately rely on employee retention. Emphasizing work culture, morale, and an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) will attract – and maintain – top talent.

Another often overlooked piece of the puzzle is the job profile and the job posting. The way you write a job posting directly impacts who applies. We will help you craft job profiles that effectively outline the role and the responsibilities and recruit for specific positions.

We will then help you devise a recruitment campaign utilizing the latest strategies (programmatic job postings, social media, SMS) to drive candidates into your pipeline. We’ll equip you with research-based interview guides and help you assess prospective candidates to ensure that your next hire is the right fit for your organization.

Connect with the MEP at Columbus State
Whether you have a question about the services we offer, or want to work with us, we’d love to hear from you.